Q: How do I place an order with Big Deals Wholesale?
A: Here’s a link with a detailed guideline of how to place an order… How to Order
Q: Why do I need a quote?
A: Please refer to the Order Process page and/or Shipping & Freight page.
Cost of Goods
Q: Can I purchase a single hat or pair of gloves from Big Deals Wholesale?
A: We don’t break case quantities at this time.
Q: Can I return products and receive a full refund?
A: You can read all about the return policy here.
Q: Do you offer wholesale goods other than winter gear?
A: We plan to expand and add more variety in the Spring of 2018.
Wholesale Pricing
Q: Do I have to give you my tax ID or EIN number to qualify for wholesale pricing?
A: Yes, your business Tax ID is required for all transactions.
Q: Is there a minimum opening purchase to qualify for wholesale pricing?
A: The only minimum required is 1 case, which is described on each product page.
If you have any questions that are not covered here or on our website, please contact us.